Ayushman Initiative for Child Rights (AIFCR) is a not for profit initiative working towards protecting the Rights of our children who are unwittingly trapped in matrimonial disputes and/or parental conflict. It has been observed that although the parental conflict is never of a child’s doings, the trauma and the incidences of exclusions arising out of such conflicts/disputes inevitably fall on the shoulders of the victim child.
It is time that we, as a people, recognise the vulnerability of such children and take appropriate initiatives in order to develop a comprehensive child-centric human rights policy that are in tune with the various international covenants and declarations ratified by India. We have to protect our children, the future of our nation.
AIFCR has taken certain positive steps in this direction over the last couple of years but we cannot do it on our own. We need your support in every way possible. Please join us in this effort.