About Ayushman

Ayushman Initiative For Child Rights ( AIFCR ) is a PUBLIC CHARITABLE TRUST ( Under the Indian Trusts Act 1882) crusading for rights of children affected & separated from one or either parent due to estranged relations between their parents, amidst marital disputes and/or separated by choice.

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Ayushman works for rights of children affected & separated from one or either parent

01Public awareness campaign

Public awareness campaign in rural and urban areas to make the general people aware of the rights of children and their welfare and steps to be taken in ensuring the child rights with their parents.

02Making the government aware of the rules & law

Making the government aware of the rules and law, also asking them to reform existing laws relating to custody and other allied areas by sending memorandums and deputations.

03Ensuring the right of both parent & the child

Ensuring the right of both parent and the child to have access in schools and tom participate in the school activities and programmes.

04Deputation to judiciary to implement shared parnting

Deputation to judiciary to implement shared parnting and to formulate parenting plan as per set guidelines.



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